Wednesday, January 7, 2009

oh so average


Frankly speaking, no one would want to write my story, because nothing really happened. I have never been the hero in anything except of course the story am writing now. My moment of glory.

Except, once upon a time when I was born, youngest of three, to two not so ordinary people. Ambition should have run in my blood. They were extremely good-looking people and pretty successful in their fields, the specifics of which don't concern us right now. I probably was born with the wrong mixture of the genes, making me look average and not very bright.
Ah, the point is I was not great at anything, not even writing this story.

After the age of three, all the doubts about my IQ vanished and my capabilities or the lack of it were quite clear. I was not great in acads nor in sports and its obvious I wasnt great with girls either.

Naturally I screwed up a lot, much to the embarrassment of my dad and mum. It was not like I didnt try.
They said I didnt aim high, that I operated within my limitations and was content with a B- when my siblings managed an easy A or A-.

This trend obviously continued through my life, not going that extra mile, not wresting opportunities, you might think I was lazy, but it was a mixture of resigning to fate and a lack of love of big things I would say. ~You will never understand~

I of course got married and it is ridiculous on your part if you thought she would understand me. She didnt. My kids didnt, but thankfully the so called Indian heritage helped me keep my marriage intact.

You might think am a loser, leading a depressed lonely life. Well, thats miles away from the truth.
My brother and sis, my kids,my wife party, roam around the world, meet loads of people and are supposed to be enjoying their life. You would also be someone like that. They celebrate power.

I am just happy being happy, celebrate every other passing day, I so live life and guess what, am never sad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good one, i like it :)